venerdì 1 febbraio 2013

Who's that girl? It's Hope!

Dear diary,

...just kidding! haha, I know this is not my personal diary. Anyways I'm gonna talk about me now since you may wonder who is the crazy girl who writes these stuff to the whole world! haha I'm sorry if there isn't a proper order but I'll write in the order the ideas come to my mind so whatever! haha and most of all, I'll try to be serious, even if I already know I won't be able to! hahaha...., where can I start from? Let's see.....
....mhmmm well, I'm almost 17 and I'm a big dreamer! I love travelling and I'm looking forward to visit London and Paris. Yeah, you heard me. I've always wanted to visit those two cities since I was very little so I'm still waiting for that big dream to come true. Plus, I kinda had a relationship with a guy who lives in Paris so....but I'll talk about all this in another post! haha. Let's get back to me, you'll often think I'm weird and that's a part of me so you'll have to deal with it! haha. I love making people happy or at least making them smile and I try to do the weirdest stuff to make that happen. For exemple, and I swear to you this happens, I'm walking down the road with my friends and I see a lot of people who are mad or nervous because of their jobs or the traffic, or who knows what, so I get closer to them, say 'hi' and smile, even if they don't know me and I'm actually happy to see that they don't ignore me but actually say 'hi' and smile back because that means that I lighted someone up and that's what I wanna do in my life. I know you're wondering why I do that and the answer is that I think that if God has given so much to you, like a lovely family and a house to come back from school or work, you just gotta be thankful because there's someone who can't afford that. Just to make an exemple, I think that if a kid who has cancer or who has got nothing at all is able to smile, you can smile as well. So please STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING AND JUST SMILE for meee :3 
Also, I actually don't know what I wanna do with my life yet, but you know, I'm young so I guess I'll figure it out! haha. Alsooooo, I LOVE CHILDREN! They're sooo doookeyyy-wooookeyyy-wooo! Don't ask what that was. I don't even know myself. Haha. But I'll talk about my intentions with children in another post as well. "Eventually, I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right. But when I think about it and take a step back I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect." So, I don't have other ideas now, it's late and my brain needs to sleep, so if you wanna know anything else just comment and let me know what you think pleaseee! I'll talk to you again soon, the best is yet to come! hahaha xoxoxo

-The Girl in the Blue Dress.

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